Friday, December 20, 2002

fsm-23 April, 1994

If only......………….if, if, if…………………..

If only it were possible to be everything we each need, want and expect. To be the exact perfect person that paints the colors on the pictures we each have outlined as desires in our hearts;

If only it were possible to transcend hurt, confusion and fear, with strength direction, and acceptance of each other as we are, even with our limitations;

If it were, we could always be perfect together for each other and for ourselves;

If it were, those tender moments of intimate embrace and connection would last every moment;

If it were, our celebration of love would never cease;

If it were, our passion could always be sustained never to diminish or be challenged, only to grow and enhance passion in all that we are and are to become;

If it were, we would always just understand and acquiesce for each other on issues that are really not so important in the real scheme of things that are;

If it were, we would each only give to the other. Taking would be replaced by receiving without expectation;

If it were, we would always strive to act in harmony, only allowing outside conflict and discourse to be a venue for growth, discovery, and deeper mutual bonding;

If it were, we would facilitate each other’s growth emotionally and spiritually. Security and strength would come from within, and there would be no emptiness inside to have each other fill, because self-completion would be provided by each not for each, but enhanced by each;

If it were, love, respect and trust would transcend every aspect of fear;

If it were, our interaction together would be enabling allowing two individuals to achieve personal strength and continual growth. Bringing those strengths to an even stronger union where individual vulnerabilities are protected by a "safe harbor" of being strong together;

If it were.........If only.........if, if, if...............................

Yet perfection by definition does not exist in any form anywhere in the universe. It is contrary to all of the physical laws as we know it seems that the closest we can come is to try as best we can, to persist, to communicate, to strive, to dream, to compromise, to try again and again and again, and then once more again.......................always to believe we can,

If only, if, ………………of course
